We were on the road by 8.30 and we met them at Camooweal for morning tea. Collis had given Bob some money to shout everyone a hot drink at the roadhouse as we didn't think we would make it there before they left. I think they enjoyed the change of routine. The winds so far this morning have not been all that favorable as it is a bit swirly but the temperature is still down.
After Camooweal we hit the Northern Territory border ( the sign has been vandalized as usual- such a shame when this is a photo opportunity).
Annie has become quite emotional to think she had ridden this far and her first time in NT. Annie said to me the first time I met her that she couldn't wait to see the "nothing" that everyone says is out in the outback. Well today she got the "nothing" and loved it. We had arranged lunch at Avon Downs rest area but we had miscalculated by 10 kms and decided we would pull up at the telecom tower 10 kms short so as not to play with their psyche by adding 10 kms onto the lunchtime ride. No tables or anything here but Collis was able to position the car so as to block the best part of the wind from them.
Melanie has not been feeling well today and decided to get off her bike at lunchtime. John is also struggling with a sore tail and he has hopped into the other car for the ride into the bush camp.
Melanie was able to assist us in choosing the site for our bush camp and Collis is sure it is the exact same spot they had on the Rocky to Darwin ride. Collis had told all of them to not go past the Rankin River and no rider did but the other car with John on board went as far as Soudan Station before they turned back and found us. Apparently they went past before we managed to get the sign out on the road.
Even though John was unwell he managed to prepare an excellent fire once again with alot of assistance from most riders in collecting the firewood. Everyone seemed to be getting into the swing of the bush camps and the sense of community needed for these to work. Dinner tonight was Japanese vegetable curry on rice (made by me) followed by plain or fruit damper (prepared beautifully by Jacquei). We had jam and cream for the damper as well.
The usual night owls (Collis, Peter J, Annie and myself ) stayed around the fire until well after 9 pm before heading off to bed with full tummies. The last two nights have been pretty cold and the Doona is out in full use. Such unusual weather for this part of the country but appreciated by the riders during the day.
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