Sunday, May 12, 2013

Day 14 Rest Day at Mt Isa 0 kms

Mothers Day today and our last rest day for a week. This is our longest stretch without a break for the whole trip and everyone is talking about it.
Collis let me have a lie in and he went and bought a McDonalds breakfast AND a chocolate muffin for morning tea. It was a real treat as I usually have a small bowl of muesli with yoghurt, washed down with a cup of tea. So I sat up in bed and ate my sausage & egg McMuffin without feeling guilty at all. All the girls either messaged or rang me this morning- haven't heard from Anthony or Erica yet.
Spent the rest of the morning cleaning out the car and trailer and doing the laundry and the books. Had a massage booked for 3 pm which I am a little nervous about as I've only ever had one massage before and this one is with a male. Annie, Melanie and Gill are all having massages as well and I'm not the first customer so I can check out what he's like before I go in.
Massage was OK and very relaxing. The massuese was a "P" plater so he is younger than my son which was a bit disconcerting. I would give him a 6/10 for ability and experience and I'm sure he will improve as he gets more experience. Good on him for giving it a go. Thank you Annie for a lovely Mother's Day present and you shouldn't have.
A few of us walked down the pub for dinner and even though we had to wait quite awhile for our meal (which seems to happen alot on this trip) we enjoyed the food and I was able to have a children's meal again. Unfortunately one of my molars broke during dinner and I have only 2/3 of a tooth and now we are into the outback for at least a week with no dentist.  No luck on the pokies. Anthony has rung and I had a long conversation with him tonight.

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